Sunday, 2 August 2015

Creative Life Challenge - Day 1

I have been a little quiet over the last couple of months. Life has been chaos and many times turned up-side-down. While I have spent much time in contemplation, with everything going on I barely had time to be creative. I realise now how important that creativity was.

I realise, not for the first time over the last few months, that life is short. If I have taken nothing away from these months, it is that we need to be creative everyday, even if it is just for a few moments.

The moment that I began to write, draw, sew and to spin soft fibres again, I suddenly realised that I had been missing something magical - Living Life.

I have therefore come up with a little challenge to help get my creative mojo back, and hopefully help others. A month long challenge to be creative everyday, even if it is only for a few moments. Let us see where the month takes us...

As I missed posting yesterday, this is the spinning that sparked the idea...

And this is what I managed to do today...
It may not be much, but it is a start :-)

Let us see what tomorrow brings...
Happy creating!
Liz xx

P.S. I have also update my shop with a few new items, here is a taste!

For more Fibre, Yarn and supplies, please click the shop tab above :-)
Thank you for looking!