Sunday, 30 August 2015

Creative Life Challenge - Day 27, 28 & 29

DAY 27, 28 & 29

After spending the day running around for day 27 , I turned to what seems to be my current creative trend - I polished off another book. It was "New Moon", the next logical choice after "Twilight". Day 28 was cold and raining again, and it should come as no surprise that "Eclipse" was soon devoured. Today, day 29, was finally a sunny one, and walking passed the early blossoms on the fruit trees soon had me inspired to spin. With "Breaking Dawn" on in the background, I soon drifted into "the zone" and was quite pleased with my spinning progress.

I am starting to wonder why I'm reading so many books at the moment, but I think it is starting to pay off. As I listen to the words, and I'm transported to another world living through adventures, thoughts and words are starting to stir. I managed to write several pages today inbetween spinning and plying.

I try to write everyday, but often I find a time at some point in the year a bit of a challenge to keep writing. Occasionally a day gets missed throughout a particular month (this was last month), then the next month (this month), turns into the occasional day of writing. I don't know why this happens, but throughout the many years that I have been writing, there always seems to be one or two months at some point during the year where it all seems to fall apart. If nothing else, the constant challenge to do something creative every day this month has found me turning to books more, which in turn has helped to inspire my writing again, an unexpected positive.

Tomorrow is the last day of my offical challenge, the end of the month and the end of Winter here in Australia. Is there anything special you like to do at the end of the month? Do you reflect back on the month? Do you prepare and plan for the next month? Or do you go with the flow and see where it takes you?

Until tomorrow,
Liz :-)