DAY 15
Today was another lovely sunny day, too good a day to stay inside. So for something a bit different I got into the veggie garden. Spring is just around the corner and with the warmer weather comes the start of the weeding. It was a good day to see how the veggies are growing and to prepare the beds for the next round of planting. With a little help, I managed to top up an unused bed with soil and plant the berry vines and canes I had brought last week. Thinking about it now, I should have taken a before photo, as it was in much need of attention after all the rain. I didn't take a photo when we finished either, as by that time the sun had set and it was getting dark. I'll try and take a couple in the morning if I think to.
I was originally going to card some more batts today, but I guess it goes to show that you never know where you will end up and what you will feel inspired to do. Creativity comes in many forms, and I guess today it came in the form of gardening! I hope the sun was shinning for you today too.
Until tomorrow,
Liz :-)