Sunday, 30 March 2014

Two More New Spindles :)

Who doesn't love getting parcels in the mail :) However, as a spindle spinner there is nothing more exciting than receiving new spindles in the mail :)
Left: QLD Red Cedar with a Cocobolo Dymondwood shaft, weight 29gms.

Right: QLD Red Cedar with a Walnut Dymondwood Rim, with a Cocobolo Dymondwood shaft, weight 38gms.
I have also finished the Ravelry Pack it on challenge and I ended up with 20gms of singles on my 6gm Kuchulu :) The finished n-plyed skein measured 165mt.
I have also been spinning some of my hand dyed alpaca tops on my new FWA Spindle, and as a 28gm spindle it already has 20gms of singles on it :)

Well I'm off to experiment with some new dyeing techniques and to do some more spinning :) Happy Crafting! :)