Wednesday, 2 April 2014

A New Month Of Possibilities...

It is the start of another new month and the year feels like it is flying already :) I have been hunting around on Ravelry, for all the new monthly challenges to be posted. So I thought I would kick start here and give you a sneek peek at what I plan to spindle spin this month :)

There are four spindles on my hit list for this month, my 3 new spindle club spindles and a slightly neglected Turk.
I am spinning some of my hand dyed merino, my Hand dyed alpaca, My hand combed natural wool merino X and A lovely braid from Ixchelbunny called "Gaga! Bunny". I'm sure there will be other spinning projects to come because I can't seem to spin enough at the moment :)
Also watch this space for an update in my etsy shop on the New Hand Dyed Alpaca and Merino Braids that are for sale. Click the "Shop" tab above to see what is currently available :) Happy crafting! :)