The main crafty things I have been doing of late are the two Ravelry challenges that I am part of at the moment.
The first is the "Pack It On" challenge and my wee kuchulu is getting very fat! It was so hungry that I had to find some more fibre for it to eat. It currently has 14gms - 6gms spindle = 8gms singles on it.
The second is a "Spin a Shawl" challenge which is a knit along. I have spun up my first bobbin of singles, which I may need to add to later, and I am ready to knit.
The first few rows were interesting as it is the first time I have knitted lace and knitted lace using a chart. But I think I am happy with the start of the shawl.
I have also been 2-plying on my very large spindle. It is currently 327gms - 125gms spindle = 202gms of yarn on it. I have 288gms left to ply onto it, so going to be a very full spindle I think.
Just to give you an idea of the size.
More to come so keep crafting! :)