Monday, 3 February 2014

Some More Knitting & Crochet Projects

A couple of other projects that I came across are these two; The knitted circular shawl and the crocheted never ending granny square.

The shawl was a project that I started late last year when I had the inspiration to work on one major project each month. needless to say this project didn't quite get finished in the month I started it, so I am working on it at the moment. It is slowly growing, as it currently has around 288 stitches on it. The next increase round though will have about 576 stitches, needless to say it grows slower with each round.

The baby blanket was my second attempt at the never ending granny square, this time only with three colours instead of five. I really like this technique as it grows quickly but is a bit more interesting than the normal granny square.

I wonder what else I will find in my project stash ... Happy Crafting till then! :)