Saturday, 1 February 2014

Another pair of socks bites the dust

When I had the mad urge to a spring clean of the studio last week I came across a couple of projects that I had forgotten about, simply because I had started too many new ones! One of which was a pair of toe-up socks on a circular needle that, searching back through the blog photo's, I started about 6 months ago! So I sat down last weekend and knitted the ribbed top and cast them off.
Having taken so long to finish this pair, (and realising that the few pairs of socks that I do have are on their way out), I decided that I should get a wriggle on start knitting the next pair. So I did.
I have only ever just knitted plain stocking stitch socks and let the colours do the talking, mainly because I hadn't knitted socks before and I wanted to get the hang of it first. I also couldn't figure out why I would go to the effort to putting a pattern into them when most of the time you can't see them. Then I realised that it makes knitting them a bit more interesting when you use a pattern, so this pair is going to be a bit more interesting and already I am finding it quicker to knit.

Because I like knee high socks they take a bit longer to knit up compared to "normal" socks, so I have been trying to do at least a few rounds each day. I have also put all of the sock yarn (that I can find in my stash at the moment), into the one project bag, that way I know where it is and I can jump straight into the next pair when I cast off the current pair.

Will keep you posted on the progress, so Happy Knitting! :)