Thursday, 25 July 2013

Sewing & A Bit Of Everything Else ...

While the week might have started out a bit slow, it is starting to pick up again. Like the other week when all I wanted to do was knit, this week all I seem to be doing is sewing ... and a little bit of everything else too.

I spent all day Tuesday in town so all I managed for the day was a few rounds of knitting on my shawl and a little bit of Quaker Tapestry. I may not have done as much as I would have liked to, but I did do something crafty for the day and that is all that matters really.

Wednesday I spent the whole day sewing. I don't have any photos to share as I was working on my wedding dress all day. Once the wedding has been and gone, then I will show you a photo of the dress, so you will just have to wait until then.

And today was no exception for the sewing bug. I found a couple of old table cloths in my mending pile that had holes in them. After assessing the damage and the potential for repair, I decided it just wasn't going to survive the other end. So I cut them up into squares and stitched them all together to make a "wagga" styled patchwork quilt. 

Then I got a bit stuck on what I was going to do next with this stitched up material piece, so I finished off my crochet sample square which will be used for a group project at the Woolies craft group.

That finished, what to do next ... so I jumped on the internet and searched "Wagga" and started doing a bit more research into what it actually was. So of course, I now have more ideas running through my head so I went back to my squares to experiment!

I shall keep you posted, until then, happy crafting! :)