- Monday I managed to finish my Mum's knitted wrap that was her Mothers Day present back in May. Just a little bit late but I have it on good authority that it was worth waiting for.
- Tuesday I finished the crochet scrap rug that i started many years ago. I finally decided that it was big enough (not to mention it took forever to do one row!), and I can now start another one.
- Wednesday I decided I couldn't stay away from the Entrelac technique so I have started a scarf.
- Thursday I decided to start the knitted shawl as the project for the month. Inspired by Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitter's Almanac.
- Friday I warped up my loom again and wove a scarf...
- Saturday I wove another scarf...
- And Sunday another one! :) Like I said, I got hooked on weaving scarves! :)
Until next week, happy crafting! :)