Monday, 13 October 2014

October half gone & Christmas around the corner...

So once again the time is flying and I haven't had the chance to take a min to update my blog before now. I have so many projects on the go at the moment, including my first two big projects, my first cardi...
... and my first pull over. I have also been very busy stocking up my Etsy shop with some new scissor/zip charms / phone straps and some new stitch markers :)

I've started to play with the drum carder again too and this came out...
So feel like spinning at the moment, but with all the knitting and trying to finish off some more WIP's, I think I might have to make do with the 5 min spins here and there when I can fit them in.

The studio is in total chaos again (to no ones surprise) so I'm thinking before I go too much further on anything I might have to do a bit of a "Spring Clean" and at least tidy it to get it back to some resemblance of order - yeah right! I did say try ;)

I have also been working on my first own designed knitting pattern! Well... truth be told, I'm working on about 3 different patterns at once (as I do), so hopefully I might have something to show soon :) So watch this space... Time is just starting to fly and before you know it Christmas will be here!

Well I better get back to the knitting, cleaning and I was just contemplating a new section of my book that I must go a nd write down before I forget :)

Happy Crafting!