Sunday, 25 August 2013

Forgiveness In Chaos

I know it has been a week since I last wrote, and the reason why was because I was feeling guilty. I had been tripping around the country side and the only project I had manage to finish up til Wednesday was a simple knitted headband (which I might add I started on the 1st of August). I finally had a chance to breathe on Wednesday and do something for me. It was then that for the first time I started to not feel so guilty about life getting in the way of craft. Instead of procrastinating about having done nothing (which I tend to do sometimes), I sat down and just did something about it and started to knit. 

I will admit that as it was a lovely day Wednesday, so I did spend most of the afternoon in the garden, especially since it has been too cold and miserable for gardening these last two months. But while I was lying in the sun in the hammock having my morning cup of tea, I did do a couple of rows on my socks, a couple of rows closer to finishing them.

Yesterday (Thursday) was a complete opposite to Wednesday and like today, it has been cold, windy and raining on and off both days. The perfect opportunity to sit down and start to finish off my projects. So yesterday morning I finished the two squares for our group project.

In the afternoon I finally got around to the group's knitting challenge (for the last few months I might add) and knitted just about all the pieces to two knitted toys. The only part I didn't get to yesterday was the cute little hat pieces so I finished them both off this morning. It was only then when I went to sew them up and stuff them that I realised I didn't have anything to stuff them with, so I shall have to finish them off tomorrow at craft group.

This afternoon I am going to do a few more rows on my socks as I'm almost up to the ribbed top. I also have a few things to organise for the wedding so all in all, I am finally starting to feel like I'm finishing off more projects than I am starting. Until then, happy crafting :)

Projects started this month: 1
Projects finished this month: 2